Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Year down and a lifetime to go!

I can't believe one year went by and no blog about it at all.

I was a little thrown off as my computer was sent to be fixed before the 1 year warranty ran out. (it was one of a couple of gifts for birthing the twins) We had family in town and then we've been going ever since. So let's see if I can catch myself up.

One year (+) ago...
Aldan Douglas
Theron David
Jon and Auntie April getting ready to come into the OR. You have to deliver twins in the OR in case you need an emergency c-section at any point. Luckily I delivered them both naturally (with epidural). My Dr. also let me deliver on the bed and not on the OR table, which is not what they normally do! Can you imagine? Whew!

I have valued this year so much. I've seen my family, good friends, and neighbors come around us and support us. I've found some deep hidden strength to make it through the days, weeks and months (with the generous support of those that came in to help those first 4 months!). Making it through this first year with twins has felt like such an accomplishment, I can't stop pinching myself that we made it. I know I've said it many times, but we've been so blessed by these boys. The twins, although lots of work, have been fun. I'll be real here too- there have been some really hard times. This winter they seemed to struggle with ear infections and teeth acquiring. We were really sick for about a week after Thanksgiving, and that was REALLY difficult too. Nursing although now ended, was great, but a welcome relief to make it to a year and be done. I just never saw myself as a mom of twins. I love human dynamics. Watching families and friends and all sorts of dynamics that we encounter in life. So having twins has really brought up some interesting family dynamic issues. Do we treat the twins the same? Do we force something between them and Caed? How does our first born get a fair share with the dynamic of three immediate kids? Are we running a daycare now? and lots more!!

All of these things pass through my mind, and although I could read to my hearts content, I am sure, I don't. I would prefer to love these kids without a pretense of why I may be doing one thing or another. I want them to know that we treat situations differently- things weren't 'even' with me and my sisters, so I am not concerned about fair or even, just loving them and helping them grow into the men that God has created them to be. I think that will look different in each of them as they grow into their personalities.

It's been an experience to go from one kid to three. Our life feels so full, and well, our home, and car do too. At the seams to be exact. We can't take anyone home with us in the car, and our house occasionally sees a friends of Caed's to nap, but we wouldn't be able to have another kid in this house. (if it were up for discussion, which it is not) We are so excited to see how our lives unfold with Aldan and Theron in it. We love them so much and we're so happy to have them as our sons. We have a wild ride ahead of us I am sure. Back to reading Bringing Up Boys!

(for some reason I can't get more photos uploaded, and I've waited long enough to try to get this post up, so I'll try to add a photo of Aldan later!!)


Saturday, April 10, 2010

so proud!

My sister kik ran a 10k 3 weekends ago. This weekend my sister Heather did the biking part as part of a relay team in a duathalon (20 miles, super hilly!). (her husband did the whole thing today too)

so proud of them both. Kik is 40, Heather is 37. First races ever.

I "run" a 5K tomorrow if my tummy is feeling better. It won't be impressive, but it's a start. For me it's a mindset change to make health a priority. I don't care my weight number if I've got the energy and ability to chase these kids and my grandkids around one day.

Yay for sisters (working on April who's got asthma to do something too)!

(ps. I just got my computer back after being fixed, and I am so happy!)