Today is my dad's birthday- he would have been 68. I went and visited his "spot" with the three kids and took a picture, I did it because I know the rest of my family would have liked to do it if they could have. Tonight Caed asked why we didn't have a cake! We should have, next year I think we'll celebrate his birthday with cake, maybe small personal square cakes because my dad liked the corner pieces of cake! Yum, I'm hungry thinking about it! Here's to next year.
nearly 1 month ago my Nana turned 90!! I didn't do a post because I was in the middle of getting my computer returned and trying to catch up on all things with the hulabaloo around the twins turning 1! Although we couldn't make the celebration, we were celebrating in our hearts with her! (which hers is going strong, thankherverymuch!) I value all the conversations and time spent with my Nana. She holds a very special place in my heart of course! If I had to choose the most valuable quality about her, it would be her faith in God. Growing up we had the opportunity of living with my Nana and Grampy for a bit- in that time I really got to live her faith, experience it. She's an incredible woman and knows the Bible back and forth (right Nana?) and has read it through so many times! One of things I loved was looking through her clothespins and finding my name. she wrote people's names on the clothespins and would pray for them as she hung out her laundry. (and there was a lot of laundry to be hung then with all of us together!) I value her faith also because it's laid such important roots for me. I so valued living and growing up in a Christian home, and it's because of her continuation on in her faith that has me believing and living it as well.
Happy very Belated Birthday! And here's to at least 10 more!!
At Christmastime:(where is my flash?)
oh there it is- too much!! She's holding Theron and I love that it appears that he's looking up at her.
Good one - thanks Lauren!
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