Well according to my doctor's appointments this week everything seems to be going along just well. At my ultrasound appointment the babies are big (about 11 pounds of baby at this point). At my ob appointment, he doesn't think they'll come early. My doctor won't think about inducing until week 39.
All this was kind of frustrating- but in deeper thought about it, this is what I want. Babies big enough to thrive. I want my body to deliver healthy babies. I am looking forward to doing what I have the ability to do in these last few weeks while a third of my family is still being held by me.
Today we went to the zoo with some friends- and I walked (albeit more slowly) through the park. But I liked not worrying about doing that. Caed was 11 days late, and he was nearly 10 pounds. I don't think we have much to worry about with these babies, but we'll keep praying until they arrive! (and here's to more time to figure out the final names!!)
And I am so blessed with family and good friends around me to keep supporting me, offering lots of help and listening to my complaints! Last weekend they all showered me with such blessings with brunch and gifts. I've wanted to post about it- just waiting for my sister to send me some pics!! My sisters' Heather and April were here helping clear out the room and painting and organizing after the festivities. My good friend Katrina came over, gave up her daughter's nap time to help finish up some organization in the nursery too. we are getting closer to actually being ready. We''ll get a little more time when April comes over in the morning and watches Caed while we go out and run errands!
Friday, February 27, 2009
going well
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10:54 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Today I hit a milestone in the pregnancy that I've been mentally preparing for and hoping I'd make. I am at 34 weeks today. That means I can now officially deliver at my hospital. yay!
Now that said it's better for the babies to stay cooped up for another couple of weeks, until 37 weeks- so I'll be looking to that. But this is all a game in my head anyway, Caed was 10 days late. Now you'd think I'd be sure of an early delivery because I'm carrying twins...but I am not. And I've been hearing more and more of women going full term with twins. And my doctor doesn't predict an early delivery either. That is another popular question through the whole pregnancy- does my doctor think I'll deliver early? No, he has never stated anything of the sort, but has always cautioned that it could happen. But he doesn't say he thinks I'll be delivered by any sort of date. We just hold on as long as we can.
The other thing that's been on my mind is the likelihood of going into labor naturally versus being induced. With Caed since I was 10 days late, I was induced. My labor was controlled (for the most part). I am almost assured that this time around it will happen on it's own. And that has made me think a lot about how going into labor with a toddler and a husband with an hour commute away looks like. We'll work it out somehow, but it's strange to think it didn't happen like that the first time around. Now I can think about it all over again since I didn't get the trial run the first time with Caed.
Here's to three more weeks!
Posted by
4:26 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Old Friends
I had a friend of mine in town the first week in February- we've known each other since we were about 13 or 14. Stephanie lives in Chicago with her husband now, and he was in DC on business, so I got to spend the whole day with her! Thanks Steph for such a fun time! We even had a few hours to ourselves while Caed was in school, and then we had naptime too!
When I had to get Caed up from his nap, we got a few pictures of Caed and I to give to Jon framed for Valentine's Day. It's nice to update the picture on Jon's desk that is from when Caed was 3 months old. (although the shots from my friend Jan are irreplaceable!)
This is the shot I framed:
Instructing Steph somehow:
Look at that belly! Yikes!
Posted by
9:52 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Snoring, Stretch Marks and Swollen
These days are not very easy. I don't expect a walk in the park. But it's really been hard to find joy in the way I feel. I am super joyful that everything has gone so great so far. But I can't help but dreaming of an end of the pregnancy like with Caed. It was filled with walks through Rock Creek Park, mild hiking, and long daily walks with our dog Khaki. I was up for anything! At the end I was mildly swollen from retaining water but that was the worst of it. I didn't have many stretch marks. We only had one car, so if I wanted to get around I walked and took the metro everywhere (since I wasn't working). This time it's different. Since measuring 40 weeks (several weeks ago) I have been developing stretch marks. I have been retaining water from sun up to sun down. and I have a nasty snoring problem. It's so bad that twice it's caused that thing in the back of my throat (uvula) to swell and cause me to throw up. I already have a more sensitive gag reflex. It's not fun to throw up when you are this pregnant. And the feeling of your uvula swollen is scary. At this point too, when I turn over at night, I feel like I am literally flipping two babies with me.
I do have better days and times of days- but this past week it was harder for me to get a nap in a few of the days because we were busy. I still rested, but no napping. It culminated to a terrible night's sleep on Friday night, waking with the swollen uvula on Saturday. I am incredibly blessed to be having two babies at once. I can't believe it still. I can't wait to meet them and hold them and see how incredibly crazy our lives are going to be in reality. I think about it all the time. (how can get some semblance of order now for the other side? I don't think it's possible!)
I've taken a nice nap today and I am feeling a little better (dish of ice cream helps!) but yesterday was a tough one.
Posted by
4:40 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Soon to be Big Brother...
This morning I was taking some pictures with Caed. He was surprisingly amicable to it. I need to take out my camera more often so he's more willing to be photographed! Anyway. I couldn't help but LOVE this photo of him. He's growing so quickly, as they all do, and I am so amazed at how blessed we are by his presence in our family. God knew the right kid to give us! He's able to make us laugh or smile at the drop of a hat. We love to hear him sing made up crazy songs, cook us "food", and play on his own for a long time with made up stories. He loves to have a turn in praying at dinner and at bed time (his friends and the things he needs gets lots of attention). Lately we're watching him push us, see how far he can take his "authority" and loving him despite that- and teaching him to say sorry! :)
We know he's going to make a great big brother. His audience is about to double! I can't imagine how much fun having two at this stage will be (after the initial chaos).
Today's made up story with all the things singing "Christmas songs" and being "so happy" (he loves building with Lincoln logs!)
At the playground- he loves to balance on everything!
Posted by
3:46 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Week 31
Today I went to the doctor- I'm at 31 weeks. Getting closer to the minimal desire of 34 weeks to deliver at my hospital. Every other doctor's appointment is very cautious and concerned but finally today my doctor sounded really happy. He even said I was carrying this pregnancy very well, and that it's been more like a single pregnancy. Yay! Heartbeats are great- they have switched into funny positions now, but I am hoping they switch back- especially since they move a ton still! (popular question, do I feel like it's two babies moving or just a single? Honestly i feel like it's a single baby, but there have been times when the movement is extreme and I can only attribute that to both moving)
My doctor told me right now it's like I'm in my 10th month going into my 11th. So feeling tired and not wanting to do anything is expected. I still keep myself moving because there's stuff to do (including the babies room to be done from start to finish still!) and I've got one more class to volunteer in for Caed's school, and then I'm done with that. I am the "activity parent"! We'll see how much activity I can muster next Tuesday!
Feeling a boost in my confidence today and reduced anxiety! Just hoping to not worry about my worst fear, delivering one naturally, and then the other by c-section. So if they could both be moved to head down, I'd be happier about that!
Posted by
11:44 AM
Monday, February 2, 2009
Last week we had our own snow too! Caed had school in the morning and I took him out sledding on the little hill at the rec center behind our house. (I keep a sled in the basement just in case!) It's the first time he's been- and I was a little unsure of just pushing him down the hill, since I couldn't accompany him. But he did great! I decided on the wrong gloves for him, but we weren't out for long to make it unbearable...he was a trooper and took a nice good nap for me afterwards! There was no one else out there at all, and the rec center workers I know thought I was crazy. We were going to try a little night sledding, but it had started sleeting by the time Jon got home...
The hill was honestly really small, but the next day when our contractor's son was here, Caed told him that he was at the top of a tall mountain! Glad he thought it was that impressive.
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9:00 AM