I think we've (Jon) gotten the video to work. Check out the quality of this not so much on the content.... This little video recorder is pretty cool. I highly recommend for someone who wants to shoot something of quality easily. Those digital camera videos don't compare! And this hooks directly into the USB port, so you don't have to fuss with wires either...
Friday, November 30, 2007
2004 and 2005 Christmas Cards
I thought it would be fun to post our past two year Christmas photos too. Complete with added Santa hats. This year, no Santa hats, no cute (mostly) naked babies, a pretty boring photo...but trying to plan ahead lost some creativity for us...
This photo is from our trip to France- and the snow is added as well, seeing as how it was March in Paris. And there's an extra special guest in the background.
Posted by
8:13 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
2006 Christmas Card
I just ordered our Christmas Cards on Tuesday and we got them today. I like them, but this was our picture from last year, and I don't think it compares in cuteness.
Posted by
1:20 PM
A week late
Happy Thanksgiving! I took this photo when we were out at the Pumpkin farm with our church a few weeks ago. I meant to blog it for thanksgiving, but obviously I didn't get to it! We did have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Lots of people to help get us ready and meal ready only 2 hours later then planned! (that turkey just didn't want to warm up enough!) It was all delicious though and only my rolls ended up not so good. April and I taught my soon to be sister in law (my only one!) Sally, our favorite card game, and she was so much fun to play with. It's a quick game, so speed and having fun is important! It's called Dutch Blitz, and we recommend it!
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11:07 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Having fun
Caed kept crawling in the laundry basket yesterday and saying "night, night". I had to catch the shot, mostly for his size and fitting in the basket...more pictures to come. I finally am moving over pictures and working on some photo gifts for this Christmas...
Oh, and I never did write that we finally got the fridge out of our living room the Monday before Thanksgiving- so we had maximum space for eating! Pictures of that are coming too. It really feels so much more spacious now that it's gone...never mind retraining myself to go to the back room instead of the dining room to get something out of the fridge...
Posted by
3:34 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Jon and I
I only have a minute to post and so I am posting a random photo- of Jon and I at my cousin Courtney's (and now husband Nate) wedding. I want to post video but I didn't get Jon to help me figure out my issue tonight, so it will have to wait- and I don't have the few Thanksgiving pictures I took because my camera is upstairs. So here is a lovely reminder to me that Jon and I are a team. Sometimes we get so caught up with parenting Caed, and all the other responsibilities that I think we let it slide that we are the original team. On Sunday, at our couple's group we reviewed a chapter that the theme was Children. I think Jon and I thought differently about some of the sections (based on another understanding, not that one was right/ wrong) in the chapter and so we weren't chatty, but it gave us the opportunity to hear what the other's had to say, and it was good. I was reminded (again) that Jon and I are the team here, and that Caed, Khaki, and everything else should be incorporated into us. Not that Caed, Khaki and everything is the center and we revolve those situations. I don't think I am writing it how I figure it in my head, but nonetheless. I don't ever think that our world should revolve Caed, but I think it so easily slips into that.
"jon, I can't talk right now, caed is talking"
"lauren I can't hear you right now, Caed is screaming"
"we have bills to pay tonight"
"i have to finish things around here that I didn't get to this afternoon"
I am again thankful for the people that have come into our life, and how the Lord is using them to change Jon and I and refine us.
And a final thank you to our parents who braved the world of parenting to raise us! I am feeling more and more gratitude for all the hard work they put into us. My perspective now makes me realize on those really hard days, that it possible to make it. Can someone be responsible for disciplining Caed's tantrum's beside us? (Nana? Grammie? Grandpa?)
Posted by
10:30 PM
Technical Difficulties
I have been trying to post since yesterday some of the video I have from my new video recorder, but I am having technical difficulties. I also was frustrated because it seemed that I lost some formatting controls in posting, but I just realized what had happened. So all of this has hindered my posting since my birthday. We've also had a lot of family in town for Thanksgiving and Jon's brother and fiancee Sally were down here where my desktop is.
I also have a new logo project I am working on, so that's going to keep me busy as well. I am excited to have this project, it's always a lot of fun to keep my brain working in non-baby ways.
There will be a real update here soon!
Posted by
9:07 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
No picture from my birthday celebration, but yesterday was my big 30th birthday! Jon and I celebrated by going out to eat on Saturday night to a french restaurant downtown DC called Bistro Bis. It was excellent, and another french restaurant to cross off the list. This was ranked up pretty high! We then went to see a movie- a big treat for parents of a young child. We saw the movie Into the Wild. I am currently reading the book, and although i would have preferred to wait to see it, I had to take the opportunity now. We didn't get home until after 1:30, so it was definitely a late night for this mom and dad, and a special treat.
Jon's parents had arrived on Saturday afternoon so Caed was taken care of for the evening. On Sunday, on cue, Caed woke up normally about 7, and we stumbled out of bed shortly after that. I opened my loot, and my sisters and mom sent me a really cool digital video camera, small & great quality. Supposedly featured on Oprah's favorite things! It will be with me wherever I go. I have to figure out how to hook it up to my computer and see what it looks like on here. Jon went through a huge hassle to buy a piece of artwork from a place we visited when we were in St. John and I can't wait to get it. I really wanted it when we were there, and he didn't want to go for it. I've still talked about it, and so he decided to surprise me. That's because he's a great husband who I appreciate so incredibly.
Then at about 9:30am my sister April called me and was singing Happy Birthday- but she was with someone else- since I was expecting her at my home any minute, I walked to the door and there was April with my sister Heather! Heather left her home before 6am and picked up April and surprised me with her visit and Dunkin Donuts, Coffee, Balloons and Flowers. It was so sweet. It made my day so special. I love surprises like that, and quite frankly those are the kind that make the day out of the ordinary. We didn't do much, and the biggest thing we did together was go to the grocery store and shop for the week/ Thanksgiving! It was so nice to have two of my sisters here- and we missed kik! Heather stayed until after lunch and then had to head home...what a surprise for only a few hours!
Then my birthday was also great because Jon got baptized yesterday. In short, it's a decision he just put off making, and well, since we believe we get baptized by choice, he finally felt it was time- and our church scheduled it last night. It was really cool and awesome to be a part of.
No new pictures yet, but I do have some waiting....and a couple of new projects to work on too!
Posted by
9:45 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Today I found out a new word that Caed has learned. He learns new words from his friends all the time, but this is the funniest one yet. Last week when he was with a his friend Taylor, and her mom Laura, he learned the word Ogre. I didn't know this until today when Laura told me that they were looking at a picture of Shrek and she told them it was an ogre. Apparently they kept saying it....and well tonight, to test it out, I grabbed our DVD's of Shrek and sure enough- "Ogre, Ogre, Ogre". So now he will be able to identify when an ogre comes near, a very good skill to keep him safe on the DC streets.
An additional 'word' note: We have a lift the flap book from our friends Jeff and Carrie Moses, and he's always loved it because it's these big flaps and really large pictures of the farm animals, and when you lift the flap it's a close up of the animal and a bright colored flap with the sound written out that the animal makes. Today for the first time he said all the noises that the farm animals make on his own- even the goat with his "maaa", and cow actually had a "mooo" not the typical grunting noise that Caed has been identifying to larger four legged animals! Yeah he's learning something!
Posted by
8:07 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
This morning I wanted to blog immediately after our church service. We attend a church here in DC that has phenomenal speaking. Today's message is part of a larger series speaking based on some box office hits. Yes, the theme is based off of movies. Not usually a series I would be so enthusiastic about, but last week's message and this week's have broken down my preconceived thoughts about what I would get out of it, and it's biblical applicability. The service was based on the movie that I have never seen, The Pursuit Of Happyness. It just challenged me. We have so much we are blessed with despite the hassle's of leaking roof's, fridge's stuck in our dining room and other small things. I normally don't sweat the small stuff, but compiled together it all seems very large. Anyway, it just helped recenter me. The sermon isn't online yet, but I plan to post a link once it is.
After church April put up with the Peterson's bickering and took some shots that we can hopefully use for a Christmas card. The photo below was toward the end, and one we won't be using, but I thought it was a fun one to post. I think this is the first time Jon and I have swung Caed together between us- he loved it, and I think we all really did have a good time.
*warning sisters: comments about dad*
I don't usually post anything about my dad. He died 3 years ago (and it's taken me 3 years to write/ say that!). All of my sister's wrote something last month when he died. I didn't. I thought of it, I just couldn't think what would be appropriate. But today for some reason I miss him (probably related to the movie message at church!). I miss his quietness and his laughter. And I miss his love for us four girls and our mom. He was a special man to all of us and it seems so strange to just have someone so important just gone without any warning or goodbye. Caed looks at the picture of my mom and dad that I have, and I explain that it's Nana and popop, and so when he looks he says it like he knows him. I wish he did. Silly to blog about this I guess, but nonetheless....such a random day for the thought.
Posted by
10:39 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Auntie Kik is a new passenger
Tonight Caed was "talking" on the phone to my sister Kiki- he said "please" so that I would let him talk to her- and after a few "hi's" he set this up himself. Like the phone and my sister talking were a toy, a part of the truck and trailer game. Notice the penguin (penny) up front driving! My cell phone was the only camera I had! Even though this is a poor picture I just had to capture his budding creativity. Something new all the time, it makes those crying fits after his nap bearable.
Posted by
8:10 PM
I don't like confronting things that make me uncomfortable. Who does? But finally confronting things feels so good. The resolution of issues brings such joy.
Sometimes I am able to confront knowing that on the other side is the joy, and other times I want to back away as far as possible. I am still a work in progress.
I went to court today to resolve an issue with a former client who didn't finish paying me for two projects! I really liked the client, so it was a bummer to be resorted to this. Today came resolution. I have a check and a payment plan worked out through ourselves, but officially with mediation. It's such an answer to prayer on a lot of levels because I really deserved to be paid for these two large projects I did for them, and I didn't have to go in front of a judge and try to be factual with him.(I am a girl who needs a little emotion involved) It was resolved before 12 noon and Caed was watched by some good friends who tagged teamed the effort. I brought Jonathan along with me, and he wouldn't have been able to help in front of a judge, but in mediation he could speak and help all I wanted him to.
Addendum to the first draft of the post: I don't think I adequately spoke of why today went so well and it's because Jonathan is actually the one who helps me face these uncomfortable situations. And it's a learning experience for me. I value that I have a spouse that helps me navigate running a business and being a non-business person. He stretches and challenges me all the time, in such a great way. Some of these things I would never attempt on my own and Jon is there to support and help me along the way. I am so amazed at the confidence that he gives me just to get through the ordinary and the rough spots of life.**end of addendum
It's so nice to have this issue mostly crossed off the list of things to take care of around here. Now to move on to replacing our back doors to get our fridge in the back of the house, renovating our kitchen and bathroom and getting the leak in our roof repaired.
Now I should be working on a logo for my brother in laws business, and a business card for my college roommate, but I am too busy feeling the weight lifted off our shoulders. I'll start those this weekend.
And today of all days, I can honestly say Thank Goodness it's Friday! I promise more is to come. We had a busy week this week....
Posted by
4:03 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Tonight the funniness of this word was stamped in my brain. April called us at bowling (we had just called her and she called us immediately back) and said she was feeding Caed and he kept saying "minny, minny" and what did it mean. Only a mother. I never thought I would be the kind of mother that understands her children's language and had to do the translation- especially in the dire circumstances of someone else trying to get her child to eat.
But I swooped in!
"April, it means Money. He likes to play with the jar of change at the table. I've hidden it, so don't bring it out!"
Caed was enjoying playing with this big ceramic tub of change that we had. At first it was at a scary height that he could access himself. I got smart and moved it to the table. We would count ('nine, nine, nine') and toss them in, clinking away. We talked about Lincoln and George Washington, and the other men I realized I didn't know....we talked about the different state coins, and the fish and planes on there. It was fun. Until in meant that he wanted to play with "minny" all the time, crawling up into his chair, going through the same process every time. I decided it was time to give Minny a break and hide it.
Caed hasn't forgot about the fun with Minny, and apparently he even remembered with Auntie April. I am not sold that he know where it's been stashed, but he does motion like he knows. He wasn't near me when I hid in on the hutch in our dining room, and it's covered with lots of stuff...
Oh, to have a son that loves money!
Posted by
10:35 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Low Key...
This weekend is great. It's been uneventful- and going through my usual blogs, other's seem to be offline, and hopefully enjoying family too. It's still only Saturday but it seems we have endless possibilities. I think it may be the extra hour. When I was not a mom, the extra hour guaranteed a little extra sleep or lingering on the couch with my coffee in the morning. Tomorrow, I am sure, will start with Caed's natural time clock, keeping us to our normal wake up time. Maybe this will be how we make it to church on time. Still, our day today was pretty low key, and some good time as a family. We need these unplanned weekends to keep our sanity.
Tomorrow we meet up with a high school friend of mine who lives in Rhode Island, Stephanie Kissam. I value getting together with her on these visits because getting up to New England is quite difficult with three of us now.
After meeting with Steph, April is going to babysit and Jon and I have plans to join our small group of other couple's for some bowling. I can't remember the last time I bowled for real. I specify that, because we played bowling on our friend's Christina and Jeff's Wii that they brought to our house one evening. I actually won, but my physical talents end at the video game. I am a pretty horrible player...
Well we are going to watch a movie from Tivo, so more to come, after bowling tomorrow probably!
Posted by
8:20 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Family Photos
I hadn't posted these fun family photos from our trip to PA for my sister's birthday, so here they are finally. Me and my three amazing sisters. They are the best sisters around and incredibly different, yet so alike. I am very blessed with them in my life. I think how siblings don't get along when they are older, and I couldn't imagine that. My sister's are so important to me.
Everyone was wearing a white shirt already, except for me, and since we were leaving right after my nephew's soccer game, I had a white shirt in my bag and went and changed. Made for interesting light balance.
Anyway, so here we are, purposefully out of age order:
Heather (#2), Me (#3), Kristen (#1), and April (#4)
Here are the grandkids/ cousins:
Olivia (5), Aden (17), Caed (1), and Chantz (8)
Ken and Kik: (ken is ridiculously good at squinting when the shutter goes off, and so you have to take a bazillion pictures in a row to hopefully get him with his eyes open- this was decent I thought)
Jerry and Heather:
Posted by
9:31 PM
On Tuesday night I started to carve the pumpkin and I decided to do it with Caed so he could see what was on the inside. I got the top carved out and then started pulling out the "guts". When I pulled them out I said 'oh yucky' for Caed and kept pulling- not minding it, but being silly- and then I asked Caed if he wanted to touch the pulp and seeds and he immediately and emphatically said "NO!". I told him it was okay to touch and that it was wet, and that I didn't mind (I had stripped him prior in case it was totally into it). He kept saying 'yucky' over and over. A new word: YUCKY. I am so proud. Now when he climbs up the front steps to look at the pumpkin (which he pronounces ta-pole) and he lifts off the top he says "yucky" over and over, still. Today I finally separated and cooked the seeds, and while I was doing it I asked Caed again if he wanted to touch them, and he still replied emphatically with no!
Too much. Such a sponge!
Posted by
8:56 PM